[Gateau et al. 2025] Thibault Gateau, Sophia Salas Cordero, and Rob Vingerhoeds. Hierarchical planning applied to the preliminary design of cubesats: Nanospace study. Systems Engineering, n/a(n/a). [ bib | DOI | arXiv | https | .pdf ]
Keywords: concurrent engineering, CubeSats, hierarchical planning, model-based systems engineering, preliminary design
[Luccisano et al. 2024 a] Giacomo Luccisano, Sophia Salas Cordero, Thibault Gateau, and Nicole Viola. Open-source data formalization through mbse for concurrent preliminary design of cubesats. Aerospace, 11(702), 2024. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
[Luccisano et al. 2024 ] Giacomo Luccisano, Sophia Salas Cordero, Thibault Gateau, and Nicole Viola. Constructing of cubesat data and mission parameters through uml and sysml for preliminary design. IAC, 2024. [ bib | .pdf ]
[Muneri et al. 2024] Nicolas Drougard Marina Mileni Munari and Thibault Gateau. Modeling and optimization of the design of a robotic hydroponic system. The VIIIth Space Resources Conference (KGK2024), 2024. [ bib | .pdf ]
[5] Sébastien Henry, Roberto Armellin, and Thibault Gateau. Safe event pruning in spacecraft conjunction management. Astrodynamics, 2023. [ bib | .pdf ]
[6] Irina Kovalenko, Jean Kempf, Oksana Popovichenko, Thibault Gateau, and Stéphanie Lizy-Destrez. Ecocel database: An online tool for asteroid mission planning. Planetary and Space Science, 215:105463, 2022. [ bib | .pdf ]
[7] Mariana Alves, Justine Veirier D'Aiguebonne, Thibault Gateau, and Jerome Lacan. Blockchain-enabled redundant fractionated spacecraft system. In 2022 IEEE Aerospace Conference (AERO), pages 1--13. IEEE, 2022. [ bib | .pdf ]
[8] Sophia Salas Cordero, Thibault Gateau, and Rob Vingerhoeds. Mbse challenges in the concurrent preliminary design of cubesats: Nanospace study. In 2022 IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon), pages 1--8. IEEE, 2022. [ bib | .pdf ]
[9] Christian Dahdah, Coline Van Leeuwen, Ziad Kheil, Jérôme Lacan, Jonathan Detchart, and Thibault Gateau. Enabling monetization of depreciating data on blockchains. In 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2021), pages 500--507, 2021. [ bib | .pdf ]
[10] Thibault Gateau, Lucien Senaneuch, Sophia Salas Cordero, and Rob Vingerhoeds. Open-source framework for the concurrent design of cubesats. In 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering (ISSE), pages 1--8. IEEE, 2021. [ bib | .pdf ]
[11] My-Loan Dang, Doriane Perard, Jérome Lacan, and Thibault Gateau. Educational nanosatellite hacking. IEEE Aerospace, 2020. [ bib | .pdf ]
[12] Raphaëlle N Roy, Nicolas Drougard, Thibault Gateau, Frédéric Dehais, and Caroline PC Chanel. How can physiological computing benefit human-robot interaction? Robotics, 9(4):100, 2020. [ bib | .pdf ]
[13] Daniel E Callan, Thibault Gateau, Gautier Durantin, Nicolas Gonthier, and Frédéric Dehais. Disruption in neural phase synchrony is related to identification of inattentional deafness in real-world setting. Human brain mapping, 39(6):2596--2608, 2018. [ bib | .pdf ]
[14] Thibault Gateau, Hasan Ayaz, and Frédéric Dehais. In silico vs. over the clouds: on-the-fly mental state estimation of aircraft pilots, using a functional near infrared spectroscopy based passive-bci. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 12:187, 2018. [ bib | .pdf ]
[15] Nicolas Humeau, Thibault Gateau, Guillaume Crooks, and Florentin Anne. A lightweight and efficient control center based on modern technologies. In 2018 SpaceOps Conference, page 2634, 2018. [ bib | .pdf ]
[16] Frédéric Dehais, Hasan Ayaz, and Thibault Gateau. Assessing working memory load in real flight condition with wireless fnirs. In Neuroergonomics, pages 213--214. Elsevier, 2018. [ bib | .pdf ]
[17] Julio Hernanz Gonzalez, Thibault Gateau, Lucien Senaneuch, Theo Koudlansky, and Patrice Labedan. Jsatorb: Isae-supaero's open-source software tool for teaching classical orbital calculations. In 7th International Conference on Astrodynamics Tools and Techniques (ICATT 2018), 2018. [ bib | .pdf ]
[18] Raphaëlle N Roy, Thibault Gateau, Angela Bovo, Frédéric Dehais, and Caroline PC Chanel. Physiological markers for uav operator monitoring. In Neuroergonomics, pages 203--204. Academic Press, 2018. [ bib | .pdf ]
[19] Frédéric Dehais, Raphaëlle N Roy, Gautier Durantin, Thibault Gateau, and Daniel Callan. Eeg-engagement index and auditory alarm misperception: An inattentional deafness study in actual flight condition. In International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, pages 227--234. Springer, Cham, 2017. [ bib | .pdf ]
[20] Charles Poussot-Vassal, Raphaëlle N Roy, Angela Bovo, Thibault Gateau, Frédéric Dehais, and Caroline Ponzoni Carvalho Chanel. A loewner-based approach for the approximation of engagement-related neurophysiological features. 2017. [ bib | .pdf ]
[21] Raphaëlle N Roy, Angela Bovo, Thibault Gateau, Frédéric Dehais, and Caroline P Carvalho Chanel. Operator engagement during prolonged simulated uav operation. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49(32):171--176, 2016. [ bib | .pdf ]
[22] Frédéric Dehais, Raphaëlle N Roy, Thibault Gateau, and Sébastien Scannella. Auditory alarm misperception in the cockpit: an eeg study of inattentional deafness. In International Conference on Augmented Cognition, pages 177--187. Springer International Publishing, 2016. [ bib | .pdf ]
[23] Angela Bovo, Raphaëlle N Roy, Thibault Gateau, Frédéric Dehais, and Caroline P Carvalho Chanel. Characterization with eeg and eye tracking of the impact of timeontask on a uav operator. In Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics-AHFE, volume 2016, page 31, 2016. [ bib | .pdf ]
[Durantin et al.] Gautier Durantin, Sébastien Scannella, Thibault Gateau, Arnaud Delorme, and Frédéric Dehais. Processing functional near infrared spectroscopy signal with a kalman filter to assess working memory during simulated flight. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 9:707, 2016. [ bib | .pdf ]
[Gateau et al. 2016] Thibault Gateau, Caroline P. Carvalho Chanel, Mai-Huy Le, and Frederic Dehais. Considering human's non-deterministic behavior and his availability state when designing a collaborative human-robots system. In 2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. IEEE, 2016.
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[Lesire et al. 2016] Charles Lesire, Guillaume Infantes, Thibault Gateau, and Magali Barbier. A distributed architecture for supervision of autonomous multi-robot missions. Autonomous Robots, pages 1-20, 2016.
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[Collart et al. 2015] Julien Collart, Thibault Gateau, Eve Fabre, and Catherine Tessier. Human-robot systems facing ethical conflicts: a preliminary experimental protocol. In Workshops at the Twenty-Ninth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2015.
bib | .pdf ]
[Dehais et al. 2015] Frederic Dehais, Vsevolod Peysakhovich, Sebastien Scannella, Jennifer Fongue, and Thibault Gateau. Automation surprise in aviation: Real-time solutions. In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pages 2525-2534. ACM, 2015.
bib | .pdf ]
[Durantin et al. 2015] Gautier Durantin, Sébastien Scannella, Thibault Gateau, Arnaud Delorme, and Frédéric Dehais. Processing functional near infrared spectroscopy signal with a kalman filter to assess working memory during simulated flight. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 9, 2015.
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[Gateau et al. 2015] Thibault Gateau, Gautier Durantin, Francois Lancelot, Sebastien Scannella, and Frederic Dehais. Real-time state estimation in a flight simulator using fnirs. PloS one, 10(3):e0121279, 2015.
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[Durantin et al. 2014] Gautier Durantin, Sebastien Scannella, Thibault Gateau, Arnaud Delorme, and Frederic Dehais. Moving average convergence divergence filter preprocessing for real-time event-related peak activity onset detection: Application to fnirs signals. In Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, pages 2107-2110. IEEE, 2014.
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[Gateau et al. 2013] Thibault Gateau, Charles Lesire, and Magali Barbier. Hidden: Cooperative plan execution and repair for heterogeneous robots in dynamic environments. In 2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pages 4790-4795. IEEE, 2013.
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[Gateau2012] Thibault Gateau. Supervision de mission pour une équipe de véhicules autonomes hétérogènes. PhD thesis, Toulouse, ISAE, 2012.
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[Gateau et al. 2012a] Thibault Gateau, Charles Lesire, and Magali Barbier. Hidden, une architecture décisionnelle distribuée pour la coopération de véhicules individuellement autonomes. In Conférence Francophone sur la Reconnaissance des Formes et l'Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA), Lyon, France, 2012.
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[Gateau et al. 2012b] Thibault Gateau, Charles Lesire, and Magali Barbier. Robust strategies for multi-robot team collaboration under uncertain communications. In International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems (DARS), Poster session, Baltimore, MD, USA, 2012.
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[Gateau et al. 2012c] Thibault Gateau, Gaëtan Severac, Charles Lesire, Magali Barbier, and Eric Bensana. Knowledge base for planning, execution and plan repair. In International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS),Workshop on Planning and Plan Execution for Real-World Systems (PlanEx), Atibaia, Brazil, 2012.
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[Gateau et al. 2012d] Thibault Gateau, Gaëtan Severac, Charles Lesire, Magali Barbier, and Eric Bensana. Knowledge base for planning, execution and plan repair. In National Conference on Control Architectures of Robots (CAR), Nancy, France, 2012.
bib | .pdf ]
[Gateau et al. 2010a] Thibault Gateau, Charles Lesire, and Magali Barbier. Exécution d'une mission par une équipe de véhicules autonomes hétérogènes. In Journée des Jeunes Chercheurs en Robotique (JJCR), Paris, France, 2010.
bib | .pdf ]
[Gateau et al. 2010b] Thibault Gateau, Charles Lesire, and Magali Barbier. Local plan execution and repair in a hierarchical structure of sub-teams of heterogeneous autonomous vehicles. In International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS), Doctoral Consortium, Toronto, Canada, 2010.
bib | .pdf ]
[Gateau et al. 2010c] Thibault Gateau, Charles Lesire, and Magali Barbier. Local plan execution and repair in a hierarchical structure of sub-teams of heterogeneous autonomous vehicles. In National Conference on Control Architectures of Robots (CAR), Douai, France, 2010.
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